Gula Pieko
January 09, 2021
Is SNI Standard Sugar Needed?

Sugar is a staple spice that is always there and even must be available in homes. Especially the Indonesian people where food and drinks taste not right if they are not mixed with sugar. However, do you know how good the sugar we usually buy, until we eat it everyday? We need to know how to see the quality of the sugar used every day. Therefore, the way to see the quality of sugar is based on the presence or absence of SNI or it can be said that the general standard in the sugar we will use.

According to the National Standardization Agency (BSN), SNI is the Indonesian National Standard which is the only standard that applies nationally in Indonesia. So this SNI regulates how good the product is and whether it is safe for consumption. Of course, SNI is not just a rule, but to prove that the goods are safe and good, there is a sign which is used as evidence if the goods pass SNI.


This is a LOGO / SIGN from SNI which proves that the goods are safe and good, in accordance with Indonesian standards.

Actually, what is the purpose of this SNI mark? Of course, the main goal is so that the Indonesian people can be more careful and can become 'smart buyers' when it comes to getting good quality and safety. And do you know? This SNI also aims to prove that Indonesian products are not inferior to foreign products, so that they can increase competitiveness.

Of course, there must be SNI that regulates sugar, especially white sugar or what is called GKP (white crystal sugar). Because sugar is a basic spice, it is very mandatory to have SNI. According to KOMINFO JATIM, Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture No. 68 / Permentan / OT.140 / 6/2013 mandatory to be SNI to GKP has been officially enforced since June 2015. And the government has enforced SNI 3140.3: 2010 and Amendment 1.2011 GKP mandatory. Domestic and imported GKPs are also required to meet the SNI requirements. If the products circulating in the market do not comply with SNI, the government, through the Ministry of Trade, has the authority to take action.

Based on information from KOMINFO JATIM, there is a standardization used in assessing sugar purity related to the color of sugar for GKP using the ICUMSA (International Commission for Uniform Methods of Sugar Analysis) system which is a standardization of sugar purity assessment.

The GKP quality standard provisions that must be met based on the quality requirements of the latest 2020 revisions are as follows:


Sugar color standard values ​​from GKP1 to GKP2 or 76-300 ICUMSA Unit (IU). As is known, the lower the ICUMSA value, the better the sugar purity and the whiter the color.

Sugar size or grain size (bjb)

The bjb requirement for both GKP1 and GKP2 is a range of 0.2-1.2 mm

Meanwhile, the regulations stated in the fulfillment of SNI requirements according to the Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia are as follows:

1. Compulsory enforcement of SNI for:

a. GKP in packs
b. GKP which is repackaged

2. GKP applies to the Tariff Post number:

a. HS. 1701.91.00.00: Cane or beet sugar and chemically pure sucrose, in solid form - containing additional flavoring or coloring agents
b. HS. 1701.99.90.00: Cane or beet sugar and chemically pure sucrose, in other solid form.

3. There is minimal information contained in the packaging which includes:

a. Product name
b. Trademark
c. production code
d. Net weight
e. Name and address of the manufacturer

In addition, GKP must also meet the SNI requirements as evidenced by a Product Certificate for SNI Identification Users (SPPT SNI).

The government tries to be careful in applying SNI as a benchmark in maintaining the quality of local and imported sugar in Indonesia, and by using sugar products that have the SNI mark, you have helped increase competitiveness and believe that quality standardization needs to be applied to local sugar products in Indonesia. Indonesia so that quality is guaranteed.

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